Our Treatment

Vascular Injury Treatment

Why it’s dangerous?

Blood vessel injury causes abrupt cut-off in blood circulation of legs/hands leading to death of the body cells of particular limb.
Any part of our body can not survive without blood supply beyond 4 to 6 hours. Little delay in vascular repair can cost patient with loss of limb or life.

What are the symptoms / clinical presentation?

  • High velocity trauma to limb(with or without fracture)
  • Sharp cut injury over leg / hand
  • Feeling of numbness in leg / hand
  • Loss of movement & sensation in limb (similar to paralysis)
  • Blue / black colour changes in toes / fingers / Gangrene
  • What if urgent treatment no taken?

    It’s a life & limb threatening emergency.
    If delayed, you may lose your leg/hand/life. Delay in treatment may increase risk of kidney failure also.
    So it’s better rush to a vascular surgeon as soon as possible.

    What to do next if I am suspecting injury to blood vessels in my legs/hand?

    Consult a Vascular surgeon for assessment immediately. Doctor will perform an ultrasound Doppler test/CT Angiography of injured limb & will explain you further course of treatment.

    What are the treatment options?

    Urgent repair (Connecting cut ends / bypass procedure)
    If patient comes late- Amputation

    Vascular injury with Leg bones fracture
    How we repair it 1
    How we repair it 2