Our Treatment


When do I need to undergo thrombolysis procedure?

Thrombolysis is used to remove large burden of blood clots from veins in patients with DVT. Clot removal will clear the passage for return of impure blood from your legs. This procedure should be done within 7 to 10 days after diagnosis of DVT.

What are the advantages of this procedure over orthodox treatment?


  1. Minimal invasive latest technique, recommended as per recent guidelines
  2. Immediate reduction in leg swelling, pain
  3. Reduced late complications like-Recurrence, leg wounds development

How catheter directed thrombolysis is done?

By doing a small puncture in vein behind knee, guide wire along with the Angiojet (clot suctioning device) is introduced inside vein. Clots are removed from vein & blood flow is again normalized in the limb.

What is the duration of procedure? How many days I have to remain admitted in hospital?

Duration of procedure is 1 to 2 hours. You have to remain admitted in hospital for total 18 to 24 hours.

Is it a painful procedure?

No you will not feel any pain during surgery. Procedure is done under local anesthesia.

Deep Vein Thrombosis

Results of the procedure?

No cut on the skin. Immediate relief of pain, swelling & heaviness within 12 hours.

When Can I walk normally after surgery?

You have to keep the limb straight for 6 hours. You can walk normally 12 hours after procedure & climb stairs too. That’s the beauty of a minimal invasive/day care procedures

When can I restart my routine & office work?

You can attend your work within 1-2 days of procedure without any discomfort.

Can this problem occur again?

DVT is known to recur. Chances of re-occurrence reduce with proper treatment taken & regular follow ups.