Our Treatment


Thrombectomy is an emergency surgery to remove blood clots from arteries of legs / hands. It’s a limb saving & life saving procedure.

When do I need to undergo thrombectomy procedure?

It’s done when blood clots suddenly blocks the blood supply to legs / hands. If surgery is not performed within 4 to 6 hours after blockage, one may lose his leg / hand.

How thrombectomy is done?

By putting a small skin cut, artery with blood clots is exposed. Clots are removed using fogarty catheter & blood supply is again normalized in the leg / hand.

What is the duration of procedure? How many days I have to remain admitted in hospital?

Duration of procedure is 1 to 2 hours. You have to remain admitted in hospital for total 2 to 3 days.

Is it a painful procedure?

No you will not feel any pain during surgery. Procedure is done under local/spinal/general anesthesia.

Results of the procedure?

Excellent results if done within 4 to 6 hours of blockage. With delay in time, the chances of complete recovery reduces.

Treatment clots removed
Treatment 1
Treatment 2

Can this problem occur again?

Yes. You need to take few precautions to prevent this.


  • Take regular medications
  • Stop tobacco consumption/smoking
  • Strict control of Blood sugar, blood pressure & blood cholesterol levels.
  • Walking Exercises
  • Regular follow up with doctor