Our Treatment

Dialysis AV Fistula Creation

AV Fistula (Arterio-venous Fistula) is a lifeline for all kidney failure patients requiring Hemodialysis.

What is AV Fistula?

AV fistula is a connection made between artery & vein of forearm/arm by a Vascular specialist. No additional tubing/implant is introduced inside body. By creating this connection, vein gets wider & stronger. Dialysis can easily be done by putting needles in this large vein.

3 Types of AV Fistula

  1. Radio-cephalic AVF (Wrist)
  2. Brachio-Cephalic AVF (Elbow)
  3. Basilic Vein Transposition AVF (Minor bypass)

Why AV fistula for all kidney failure patients?

Traditional hemodialysis catheters/lines lasts only for a month or so, can get blocked or infected. AV-fistula has least chances of infection / blockage, allows large area to puncture for dialysis needles. Hence it’s the safest & mandatory option for dialysis access.

When should I get AV fistula surgery done?

Immediately after your nephrologist’s advice. Ideal time is 6 months before expected first dialysis, so that vein gets adequate time to become large & strong.

How the procedure is performed?

Small skin cut is placed over forearm/arm. Artery & veins are connected by micro sutures.

Duration of procedure? When can I take discharge?

45 minutes procedure time. You can get admitted in morning & take discharge by late afternoon.

When can I restart my routine & office work?

You can attend your work from next day of surgery without any discomfort.

When can dialysis be started from AV Fistula?

After 6 weeks of surgery.

What precautions do I need to take after undergoing AV fistula surgery?

  1. Regular Handgrip exercise with ball
  2. Avoid –needle prick, BP measurement over the operated limb.
  3. Avoid-External pressure over AV fistula
  4. Regular dressing & follow up with doctor.

How do I know if my AV fistula is working well?

Feel vibrations/thrill of your AV fistula twice a day. Ask your dialysis technician to inform you immediately if he/she finds difficulty in doing dialysis from AV fistula.

When can dialysis be started from AV graft?

After 2 weeks of surgery.

Can it get blocked? What is the solution for blockage?

Yes it can get blocked due to low blood pressure during dialysis & few other reasons. But it can be opened up again by doing AV Fistula angioplasty.