Our Treatment

Carotid Artery Stenosis Stenting

Brain stroke or Brain attack is a condition similar to heart attack, occuring due to inadequate blood supply to brain.

Why brain stroke occurs?

There are 2 types of stroke

  1. Ischemic stroke (more common)- When fat & calcium builds up inside blood vessels (carotid arteries) supplying brain, it leads to reduced blood flow in brain. Inadequate oxygen supply due to reduced blood flow can damage brain cells leading to Brain Stroke.
  2. Haemorrhagic stroke (less common)-Occurs due to rupture of blood vessel inside brain.

Why it’s an emergency condition?

Inadequate blood supply to brain can damage a part of brain, which can lead to paralysis/death.

Am I at risk?

If you have following risk factors then answer is YES. Risk Factors-Old age (>50 years)
  • Smokers or Tobacco chewing (Any age group)
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High blood cholesterol levels, Obesity
  • Previous history of Heart attack, Peripheral Arterial Disease
  • Consult a vascular surgeon for check-up if you have any risk factor. Take care of your brain equally, just like you care for heart.

    What are symptoms / presentation?

  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty / disturbance in speech
  • Tansient blackout of vision
  • Temporary / permanent paralysis (loss of movements) of hand/leg.
  • How can my vascular surgeon help me?

    Vascular surgeon will do clinical examination + carotid Doppler and/or CT angiography / DSA of your carotid arteries. After confirming diagnosis, he can further guide about treatment options.

    What is carotid artery?

    Carotid artery is the main blood vessel supplying brain. Blockage/narrowing in carotids can cause brain stroke.

    How can carotid artery stenting (angioplasty) help preventing stroke?

    Procedure is similar to angioplasty performed for prevention of heart attack. Here a stent is placed to open up narrowed carotid artery. It re-establishes normal blood flow to brain & prevents Brain stroke.


    How the stent angioplasty is performed?

    By doing a small puncture in artery, guide wire along with catheter is introduced into artery. Blocked artery is crossed with wire & a protective filter is placed. The balloon+stent is introduced & stent is placed in diseased segment to keep the blood vessel open.

    What is the duration of procedure? How many days I have to remain admitted in hospital?

    Duration of procedure is 1 hour, done under local anesthesia. You will be discharged next day morning.

    What are the possible complications of angioplasty?

    Minimal risk of perioperative brain stroke is there (3 to 4%), but if we don’t remove the blockage, the risk is 10 times higher.

    When can I restart my routine & office work?

    You can resume work from next day without any issue. Lifelong medication needs to be taken.

    Can I prevent getting my carotid arteries blocked before I get Stroke?

    Yes.Few precautions can help you.

    Precautions – Take regular medications if you have chronic diseases (Diabetes, Hypertension)

    • Stop tobacco/smoking
    • Strict control of Blood sugar, blood pressure & blood cholesterol levels.
    • Regular Exercise & Healthy life style
    • Regular follow up with doctor