Our Treatment

AV Graft Creation

What’s AV graft surgery?

AV graft is an artificial tubing (PTFE) in your arm/forearm, connected between artery & vein. Purpose of AV graft is to provide access for Hemodialysis.

When do I need to undergo AV graft placement surgery?

When all veins are exhausted/not suitable for new AV fistula creation, vascular surgeon needs to choose this option.

Duration of procedure ? When can I take discharge?

1 hour procedure time. Discharge next day morning.

When can I restart my routine & office work?

You can attend your work from next day of surgery without any discomfort.

When can dialysis be started from AV graft?

After 2 weeks of surgery.

Can it get blocked? What is the solution for blockage?

Can it get blocked? What is the solution for blockage?